The exercise bike has the advantage of serving everyone. It does not take up too much space, so it usually fits at home, and it does not cause an impact on the joints. It is suitable for people with different physical conditions. Next, we are going to talk about the exercise bike to lose weight and how you can achieve a correct training.

How long do you need to train on an exercise bike to lose weight?

Many people wonder how many days and how long they should use the exercise bike to lose weight. The first thing we have to tell you is that there is no single answer to lose weight with an exercise bike. Keep in mind that training at a constant speed is not the same as making changes in intensity. We will talk about this later. Likewise, the time needed also varies depending on your height and weight.

If we speak in general terms, with about 45 minutes you can burn approximately 600 calories. You should also know that the body burns less fat during the first 20 or 30 minutes of training. This happens because during that time it is using glucose. So even if you’re short on time, we always recommend spending more than half an hour.

Intensity changes

As we told you, the result is not the same if you pedal at a constant pace as if you are doing intervals with different intensity. In this last way, the exercise will be more effective and you will burn more fat.

There are several ways to change the intensity in training. For example, you can intersperse 20 or 30 seconds of intense effort with 40 or 60 seconds of gentler pedaling. If you prefer, change intensity for only part of the workout and increase the time you spend doing intense exercise for this part. This can be 60 seconds of harder pedaling and 30 seconds of more relaxed pedaling.

To do this type of exercise, we recommend exercise bikes that have an easy change in intensity, such as the Life Fitness Lifecycle Activate. It is also advisable to look for one that has already designed interval training programs, such as the one mentioned.

There is no single way to organize training time. Therefore, we advise you to do it taking into account your conditions and the time available. If you keep changing intensity throughout the time you exercise, 45 minutes or a little less is enough. If you exercise at a steady pace for a while and only increase the effort in part, it is better to extend the training to 60 minutes.

As you can see, the same calories are not always burned for the same time. Therefore, ultimately, you have to consider the characteristics of your training.

Is it useful to do an exercise bike to lose weight in the belly?

The belly is an area that many people focus on when looking to lose weight. If you are wondering if doing a stationary bike helps you lose weight in your belly, you will be happy to know that the answer is yes.

Abdominals and squats are used to work the muscles. However, to burn that layer of fat that is annoying, you must also do cardiovascular exercise.

The truth is that the exercise bike serves to burn fat from the whole body, and it offers you a complete exercise. What happens is that you have to contract your abs well to maintain good posture and alignment. An exercise bike is very useful for cardiovascular training.

Tips for using an exercise bike

You have already seen the usefulness of the exercise bike to lose weight. If you have already decided to incorporate it into your sports routine, you should follow these tips:

To get started, adjust the seat and handlebars according to your height. You should be able to stay upright, without leaning on the handlebars and rounding your back. The correct thing is to keep the back in line with the head and contract the abdomen to maintain the posture. Also, when you pedal, make sure you don’t move your hips or trunk too much.

On the other hand, we must always emphasize the importance of good hydration. Therefore, drink water during training, in small sips. Remember to wear comfortable clothing, it will make you feel more comfortable while exercising.

Finally, we advise you to always warm up before training and increase the intensity.  When you’re done, don’t stop hitting either.  It is best that you spend the last five minutes pedaling in a relaxed way, so that you do not feel suffocated. Keep going until you come to a complete stop.

Tips to burn more calories

Once we have confirmed that training with an exercise bike loses weight, we are going to give a series of tips and advice that will help you burn calories more quickly:

  • Take caffeine before training: Caffeine can help improve endurance.
  • Warm up before exercising: it will help you respond better during training. For example, a five-minute jog or dynamic stretching.
  • Exercise Intervals: Vary between high intensity or strength training to speed up metabolism.
  • Train in the morning.
  • Train with a friend who is in shape and thus motivate and help each other.
  • Challenge yourself by doing five more minutesof training.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the session.
  • Multitask: work multiple parts of the body simultaneously incorporating weights or burpees.

The importance of a good diet

One last consideration refers to diet.  Remember that exercise helps, but to lose weight you need to follow a healthy diet. In fact, it has much of the weight when determining the results. Therefore, if you want the effort to be effective, you must plan varied and healthy menus. If you need help, you can always go to a nutritionist.

As you can see, the exercise bike to lose weight is the best ally. Combined with a good diet and spending enough time on it, it can produce remarkable results. Of course, you will have to be constant. You can notice a weight loss in a few weeks, but for this you have to be disciplined. If you dare to use the exercise bike to lose weight, follow these tips to increase efficiency. Cheer up!


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