Resistance training is key to practicing other sports and to improving your health and quality of life. Did you know that routines to improve resistance help you reduce and delay fatigue when doing physical activities, whether they are sports or every day? Following a resistance training plan will help you both ways.

What is muscular endurance?

Before talking about basic resistance exercises, it is important to know what this term means. This way you will easily understand its relevance and the need to follow resistance training whether you are an athlete or just want to improve your health.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to exert force repeatedly and consistently over a period of time. Or, in other words, it is the ability of a muscle to repeat the same forceful movement over and over again over a period of time without damaging it.

Why do resistance exercises?

To practice most sports, it is precious to work on resistance. Without this base, the musculature would not be prepared to face its practice in good physical condition. Cycling, running, rowing… They require resistant muscles to support continuous movements. But we must not forget that resistance is also necessary for daily life and for the most varied activities, from intimate relationships to physical work.

5 exercises to improve endurance

This resistance exercise routine can be done at home or in the gym. Or outdoors in a safe space if you prefer. You do not need any material, although to increase its effectiveness you will need material that accompanies you in the exercises.

Abdominal plank

The abdominal plank exercise is one of the most popular and effective exercises to gain resistance and maintain it. It should not be missing from an exercise routine to improve muscular endurance. In doing so you will work different muscles, including the oblique’s, glutes and hamstrings.

To execute this exercise, you must start by lying face down. It is important that the hips do not touch the ground and that your legs remain straight. Support the upper body on the forearms.

Contract your lower back and shoulder muscles as you gently raise your hips. Hold that position for a few seconds, the more you can, the better. If you are able to hold on for 30 to 45 seconds, fantastic. Then return to the starting position with the muscles relaxed. Finally, it should be noted that in order not to hurt your arms and wrists with the constant contact with the ground, you can use a special mat.

Do 5 sets of 5 repetitions with a one-minute rest in between.


Squat exercises are one of the most popular exercises to improve the endurance of the thigh, hip and buttock muscles.

For the starting position, stand up straight with your feet placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Point your feet forward. From there, flex your legs and lower your butt down to the knees. For proper, effective technique and no risk of injury, make sure your legs form a 90-degree angle at the end of the movement. In this position, keeping your weight on the heels, push back while contracting the buttocks.

Do 5 sets of 25 reps if you’re on an advanced resistance training plan. Or 3 series of 15 repetitions if you start working with resistance exercises starting from a sedentary lifestyle.

On the other hand, to increase the effectiveness of the exercise and exercise more muscles, you can accompany it by holding dumbbells.

Forward lunge

Stand tall, body straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Take a wide step forward with one leg, then let your body drop down to touch the ground with the other leg. It exerts downward force through the front heel. Then go back, maintaining the vertical position of the trunk at all times.

Do the same movement but changing the leg that takes the stride and the one that is behind. By completing this you will have completed one repetition.

The ideal is to perform 5 series of 30 repetitions. If you start from a sedentary lifestyle, start with 3 series of 20 repetitions.


Push -ups are another stamina-enhancing exercise essential in an effective resistance training routine. To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach with your body straight as a board. Raise your body straight supporting it with your toes and the palms of your hands.

Lower down gently until your chest touches the floor. And again keeping the body straight raise this.

In this exercise, as in the abdominal plank, you can use a fitness mat to avoid wrist injuries.

Do 5 sets of 15 repetitions if you have been working on your resistance for a long time or 3 of 10 repetitions if you start from a sedentary life and are looking for exercises to gain resistance.


To perform abdominal exercises, lie on your back with your legs bent and the soles of your feet touching the floor. Put your hands under your neck with your elbows pointing out. Contract the abdominal muscles while raising the trunk with the force of these muscles to a height equal to that of the thighs. Hold the pose for a second or two. And descend to the starting position with muscular strength, without letting yourself fall.

Execute 5 series of 25 repetitions for an advanced resistance training plan or 3 of 15 if you start from a sedentary lifestyle.

How to complete the effectiveness of resistance training?

In addition to these exercises to improve resistance, include muscle exercises in your workouts. He values ​​intensity more than working time. And remember that the ideal is to work muscle groups on alternate days.

There are also recreational activities and daily actions that, together with the exercises to improve resistance, will help you achieve your goals. Among them climbing stairs, walking at high speed or even dancing.

Check with your doctor if you lead a sedentary life and want to do resistance training.

It is interesting that you consult with your doctor about your physical conditions. Follow his recommendations to avoid injuries and do not let your heart rate soar beyond what he indicates as a limit.

Include in your training this exercise routine to improve resistance. You will quickly notice how you improve in this aspect.


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