The pectoral is one of the most aesthetic muscles and one that we like to train the most. Work your upper, lower, inner, and outer pectoral muscles with these dumbbell chest exercises.

1. Decline Dumbbell Press 4 x 12-8-8-8

Rest: 120 seconds

The first thing is to warm up with a moderate weight that allows us to do 12 easy repetitions without getting tired at all.  From there we increase weight in each series until the last one reaches muscular failure. In this exercise we will look for muscle failure.

The decline press is the exercise that recruits the most pectoral fibers despite the fact that many of you think that it is the flat bench press of a lifetime. Remember to do the scapular retraction in each and every one of the exercises.

2. Flat bar press 3 x 8

Rest: 120 seconds

3. Dumbbell Incline Press 3 x 8

Rest: 120 seconds

In this Incline Dumbbell Press exercise it is not necessary to look for muscle failure. In this exercise we will take weight without reaching muscular failure so that it is difficult for us to do the stipulated repetitions.

4. Low pulley crossovers 3 x 8

Rest: 90 seconds

5 – Slant Openings 2 x 8

Rest: 90 seconds

This dumbbell chest workout routine can be done 1-2 times a week but no more. The pectoral needs its time to rest, at least 72h. It is recommended to work it Monday and Friday or Tuesday and Saturday.


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