When you decide to exercise to lose weight, usually the part of your body that suffers the most is the one that needs it the least. On the other hand, the one that is used to being leafy continues to be so. Fortunately, there are specific exercises to lose weight thighs.

How to lose weight legs and thighs?

Often, the most complicated thing is not to lose weight, but to reduce the fat accumulated in the part of the body that you want. Also, if your goal is to eliminate those extra kilos from the thighs, the mission is complicated.

It is said that the thigh is the most difficult part of the body to lose weight. To achieve the stated purpose, the first thing you will have to do is arm yourself with patience, since, although there are healthy ways to shorten the process times, experience shows that things are not as fast as some happily predict.

Physical exercise located in the thigh area

Sport and physical exercise help to lose those extra kilos. Go for a run in your neighborhood, join the gym or a sports club where you can practice that sport that you like so much.

Apart from practicing sports individually or in a group, you can also exercise at home to lose weight in the thigh area. And it is that if your goal is to lose weight thighs, you have to carry out some specific actions to strengthen the area and eliminate accumulated fat. They are very simple movements to do that you can do at home comfortably and without complications.

You can discover, below, how to slim down your thighs and eliminate that fat that bothers you with these exercises that you can do at home:

Exercises to lose weight thighs

1. Sumo squats

Start by doing sets of 20 sumo squats to slim down your thighs. Open your legs with your hands on your waist and slightly bend your knees, placing the inside of your foot parallel to your thighs. The sumo squat is also a very good technique for the glutes.

2. Side leg raise

Do 40 series raise the leg to the side. Start by putting your legs together and your hands on your waist and, keeping your hands on your waist, lift your leg out to the side, straightening it firmly.

3. Glide Lateral Stride

Also practice twenty series of this movement to strengthen the thigh area. He places his hands on his waist and slightly spreads his legs. He straightens one leg, while you slightly bend the knee of the other leg. All this while keeping the hands on the waist.

4. Back leg extensions

Another good exercise to lose weight in the thighs is the one that we present to you at this point. Lie down on the floor and lower your head towards the floor and place your elbows slightly bent just below. With your legs gently bent, lift each leg up and keep them straight. Do 20 series of this exercise.

5. Side leg extensions

It is a movement similar to the previous one. Lie down on the floor and hold your body with your hands outstretched and your legs forming a right angle. Raise each leg to the side twenty times.

6. Side leg raise

To slim down the thighs you can also try doing this exercise. Lie on your side, placing your hand behind your head. With the leg well stretched, raise the other forty times. Repeat the movement with both legs. Here you have another exercise routine for legs and buttocks:

Healthy and balanced diet and fat burning foods

In addition, to lose weight thighs and legs you will have to follow a balanced diet and eat those foods that have the ability to burn fat. Green tea, garlicgrapefruitginger or pepper are foods that increase metabolism and therefore help to lose those extra pounds.

It is also suggested to eat raw fruits and vegetables, since these provide more satiety and will help you last longer between meals without eating foods that can make you fat.

Recovery Tips for After Physical Activity

The exercise must be practiced with the head. You don’t have to obsess. If you follow these recommendations you will get daily results, but don’t be overwhelmed if you don’t notice improvements at the rate you would expect. Everybody is different and you don’t have to lose your temper, as we have mentioned slimming the thighs can be a difficult task, but with perseverance you will see the results sooner than you expect.

When you finish the physical exercise, the first thing you should do is replenish the liquid you have lost. For this, the most appropriate thing is to drink water. At least drink a full glass of water.

After the drink, the second thing is to eat correctly. It is a mistake to eat little or almost nothing, since the body with physical exercise loses a lot of energy that it has to recover with a good diet. If you eat foods typical of a balanced and low-fat diet, the kilos will lose themselves.

Thanks to these exercises to lose weight on the thighs, you will be able to eliminate those extra kilos accumulated in that area that harms your figure.


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