Complement the workouts and distribute the exercises throughout the week. In this way, you can work the different muscle groups.

There are many types of full-body hypertrophy exercises, but if you prefer to train just one muscle group in a day, this leg routine is for you. Just keep reading and give it a try!

Training with pre-fatigue system

We are going to work with a system called pre- fatigue, which consists of fatiguing a muscle group through an isolation (analytical) exercise. Then you can perform another exercise of the same muscle group but with a more global character. In this way, you eliminate the so-called weak link through prior fatigue, avoiding that due to fatigue of a weaker muscle group we cannot influence another stronger group but which depends on the first to lift the weight.

An example would be in the case of doing a bench press, where we first exhaust the triceps by performing a triceps isolation exercise, and then we perform the bench press, to ensure that our triceps participate less as they are more fatigued and thus give priority to the pectorals. In this way, we can use the pre-fatigue series in these two previous situations.

In the following routine that we have prepared, you will see that there is no exercise for calves. We combine the calf routine with other exercises during the week. Remember that you are in charge of setting your own limits and controlling the intensity of your workouts.

Remember that before starting to work seriously we have to warm up, stretch and test series “without weight” so to speak to catch the gesture and prepare our muscles and joints.

In the first exercise you can start with quadriceps extensions, at 12 repetitions. Then we go on to do squats, another 12 repetitions and at the end of the series we rest for the indicated time and move on to the next series. The training should last us approximately 45 minutes.

Hypertrophy routine to exercise muscles

We can perform the squats in multipower , since it is easier to perform the exercise with the guides, although over time we will try to do them with the free weight, which is the ideal way.

As for the hamstring curl, we can find several machines that help us to isolate the hamstring, we can use any of them, either sitting or lying face down.

And finally the press, which can be both inclined and parallel, we personally like the inclined one.

This has been all, now it’s time to try it. We hope it works for many of you and that it gives you as good a feeling as it does us, and of course that it helps you achieve the results.


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