Kegel exercises for men are less well known than for women, yet they are just as important. Find out what Kegel exercises for men are for and how to do them correctly.

What are Kegel exercises for men and what are they for?

Kegel exercises for men are a series of physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor created by Dr. Kegel. In the case of men, the benefits of doing this type of exercise are that it prevents, improves and solves different problems.

  • Improves prostate health.
  • Prevents prolapses.
  • They contribute to optimal and rapid recovery after surgery in the genital or urinary tract.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the genital apparatus.
  • Allows you to enjoy stronger and longer lasting erections.
  • Allows more intense orgasms.
  • Prevents urinary incontinence, even that due to stress due to injuries or other reasons.
  • Prevents fecal incontinence.
  • Improves the ability to hold urine.
  • Allows greater control of the sphincters.

Things to consider before doing pelvic floor exercises for men

1. Find the muscles to work

The first step before doing Kegel exercises for men is to locate which pelvic muscles you need to work. A simple and effective way is, when urinating, try to stop urination. Without contracting glutes or abs. The muscles that you are using to stop urination are pelvic muscles.

You will also locate one of these muscles if during an erection you try to exert pressure similar to that of the previous case. In this situation you will notice how the reproductive system tenses and hardens for a few moments. This is due to the action of the pelvic muscles.

2. Consider how to do them effectively

As when strengthening other types of muscles, technique and perseverance are keys to success. If you are wondering how to do Kegel exercises for men so that you can take advantage of their benefits:

  • You must use the proper technique. Better to do few and well than many and badly.
  • Be constant. Try to spend a few minutes a day to strengthen your pelvic muscles. The ideal is to do a routine of 10 repetitions of each exercise between one and three times a day. They are short exercises; they will take you little time.
  • Although these muscles are not seen, they are no less important than others. Its functions are key to health, well-being and a satisfying sexual life.
  • Allow a few seconds to pass between the execution of an exercise and its repetition. They will be more effective.
  • Do not do so many repetitions that you feel muscle fatigue and avoid continuing if it hurts at all times.

How to do Kegel exercises?

Basic contraction and relaxation exercise 

Sit in a comfortable place like the edge of the bed or in a chair with your legs slightly apart and your hands relaxed on your knees. Lean your upper body forward but keep your back straight at all times.

Contract your pelvic floor as hard as you can, just as if you were trying to stop urination.  You should not push so hard that you feel pain.

Hold the contraction of the pelvic muscles for a few seconds and then relax them. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times, resting at least 8 seconds between repetitions.

It is one of the Kegel exercises for men with urinary incontinence but also the basic one to start strengthening the male pelvic floor. A quick version of this exercise is to voluntarily stop urination several times during urination, for at least one second at a time.

Reverse Kegel

This exercise is complementary to the previous one and seeks to consciously relax the pubococcygeus muscle. To do this, maintaining the position of the previous exercise, contract the pelvic floor and then stop that contraction.

At this point, relax the pubococcygeus muscle as much as possible. To do this, make the necessary effort to urinate. Hold for a second and contract again. Perform 10 repetitions with a rest of 8 seconds between them.

Basic contraction exercise

Maintain a position identical to that at the beginning of the first exercise. Contract your pelvic muscles as if you were avoiding farting or farting. Hold this position of the muscles for five seconds and relax. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times but remember to rest 8 seconds between repetitions.

Contraction of the anal muscles

The exercise is similar to the previous one but in this case the muscular movement must be similar to the one carried out to avoid defecating. The posture should be the same. Do 10 or 15 repetitions with 8 seconds of rest between them.

Reverse Anal Kegel

It is another of the Kegel exercises to include in the routine. The technique is identical to that of the reverse Kegel, except that in this case you should not force as if you were going to urinate but as if you were going to defecate or expel something from inside your body through the anal route.

Functional Kegel exercises

These are not performed during an exercise routine but during vital moments in which the pelvic muscles are involved. So you can try to stop urination several times when urinating, as we already pointed out. And try to stop ejaculation when ejaculating.

Perform Kegel exercises for men daily to reap the benefits of these for health, well-being and the best sex life. It will require you to spend little time.


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